Thursday, February 28, 2008

The tie date

Today, I went to a tie date. It was about 40 people from my ward who met at the lounge. The guys had given their ties to the guy in charge beforehand, and, today, the girls chose a tie and an activity. Whose ever tie they chose would be their date for the next hour and the date would be the activity. I thought it was a pretty cool idea, and it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I was really only there because there was a shortage of guys (like the ratio of guys to girls was about 2:3). We did peep jousting, which involves peeps, toothpicks, and a microwave oven, and made microwave s'mores. That took about 20 minutes, I think, so we all just talked for the next half an hour or so.

In other news, the weather today was A! M! A! Z! I! N! G! It was beautiful today, and everything was just fine and dandy. I wore my shorts and a light jacket. Had my iPod playing some songs I discovered on my computer that I had never heard before, and it was just the perfect day to do anything. Except, maybe, build a snowman because there's no more snow (hooray!).

I think I'm going to do a 100 Things instead of doing my homework, though I'm not sure how I can add a link on blogspot. I'm not HTML savvy so I can't make it on my own.

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