Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My top 5 favorite ways to waste time

College student + homework + exams + work = NOT FUN

This combination will break down any person. So, how do I manage to keep from going crazy? I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

1. Facebook
What teenager doesn't go on Facebook to procrastinate? I'm not exactly sure what I do when I go on Facebook. All I know is that I go on Facebook and then a while later I'm panicking because it's getting close to midnight and I still have about two chapters worth of calculus homework to do.

2. Final Fantasy XII
My roommate brought home a Playstation 2 from home with many games, including Final Fantasy XII, which I've started playing. When it comes to RPGs, it's like I have this obsession with making sure everything is perfect. I don't want to mess up my characters or miss any treasure chests that may contain some wonderful item that will brighten my life for about fifteen seconds until the novelty wears off.

3. Law & Order
I prefer Law & Order SVU but any of the series will do. The show's terrible for our apartment. They always have such awesome hooks that they play before the opening theme and once my roommates and I watch it, it's over. We have to watch the rest of the episode. Here's the worst part: TBS plays like four episodes in a row, and when TBS isn't playing it, there's another network that is. So, we have to turn off the TV right after the end of any given episode. Otherwise, we're unproductive for the next hour.

4. Play with my yo-yo or other little toy
I have a yo-yo, a Rubik's cube, little puzzles, and many many other things. I spend a lot more time with these than I thought. Surprisingly, though, I don't spend much time on the Rubik's cube because I'm determined not to look at the solution but I don't have the patience to try to figure it out.

5. Clean my room
This is my absolute last resort; I can go months without cleaning my room. Disgusting, I know, but we have cleaning checks here every month so I'm forced to clean my room anyways. Every once in a while, though, I get so bored that I start cleaning my room. Anything to get out of doing homework.

You might wonder how anyone could possibly get any work done with such an awesome arsenal of procrastinators.

It's a secret.

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