Thursday, December 27, 2007

My very first white Christmas

I haven't blogged in the last couple of days because I was in Idaho Falls at my roommate's home. I was a little bit iffy about going with him because I thought it might be awkward but his family was very nice and welcoming. I feel a bit bad because I was very quiet and may have come across as curt.

It was my first white Christmas. I grew up in Los Angeles so there weren't many chances to see snow. When we were at Idaho, there was a big snow storm right before Christmas. The trip to and from Idaho was beautiful. There was tons of snow everywhere and it made everything look so different. I'm not exactly sure what word I'm looking for here. Everything was smoothed out by a pure white sheet of snow.

While I was at Idaho, I wanted to take so many pictures but I was frustrated because I'm not a very good photographer. All I can do is point and shoot. I couldn't get any of the pictures to come out the way I wanted. So during the trip, while I was constantly being annoyed at my lack of skill, I decided I want to take some photography classes or at least an intro to photography class at school. I looked up the classes and it turns out that in order to take an intro to photography class, you need to have taken two drawing classes, and in order to take those classes, you need to have been accepted into the visual arts program.

Why is this class so inaccessible? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who's majoring in something that has nothing to do with visual arts but is interested in photography. There isn't a photography minor but maybe if I sign up for the other visual arts minors like theater I can take the photography classes I want and then just drop the minor. But that just seems like more work than it's worth...

We love that game but we never play 'cause we will lose and we want to stay the way we are. The way we've been for far too long.

And we feel like rain when the words all sound the same as the curtain closes on another day.

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