Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where in the world is Elder Gee?

So, when I got home from work yesterday, I found a couple of messages from a friend that I had made during the summer term. He rarely goes on GoogleTalk and we keep missing each other, but he basically said that he was going to be in Provo because he is going into the MTC today and would be at the Creamery around 11 before his life disappears from everywhere except for Arequipa, Peru for the next 2 years.

But which Creamery?! There are four Creameries! Right after my 10:00 class, I rushed to the Creamery at the Wilk because I assumed he'd been talking about that one. I waited from 10:50 to 11:03, then began to think that maybe he meant the Creamery on Ninth. I ran to the Creamery on Ninth and waited for a bit and didn't see him, so I ran all the way back to the first one at the Wilk and waited until 11:25.

Sadly, I figure I missed him. I guess I could still write him while he's at the MTC. Since Chris, one of my roommates, works at the MTC, maybe he could drop off my letters (If you're reading this, Chris, hint hint!!). I would've liked to see him before he left. The next time I'll probably see him is in a little more than two and a half years.

I wish him well.

1 comment:

Miss Nesbit said...

Did you try the DT creamery? I would have assumed it would have been the Creamery on Ninth... but I guess we'll never know.