Thursday, March 20, 2008


"Want to hear something sad? Rick got excommunicated."

That's what a customer said to someone on her phone. It really is a sad thing. Excommunication is not a common thing in the LDS church, I think (and I'm assuming this person is LDS because we're in Provo). I don't think you can do something unintentionally and get excommunicated for it. If this person really did get excommunicated, he must have done something big. And yet the customer said it the way you would tell someone that a friend moved to an apartment in the neighboring city or that your car was impounded.

It was all pretty sad.

1 comment:

thethinker said...

I'm finding that really bad/big news is often said in such a casual manner these days. Deaths, divorces, and other big things like that are talked about like commonplace things these days. It's kind of scary.