Sunday, March 23, 2008

Better than what?

I just came back from an Easter dinner with my aunt and her in-laws. Note: my aunt isn't really my aunt and neither is my uncle really my uncle. They are very close family friends and I call them and think of them as my relatives. It was a lot of fun. They were very inviting and the food was very good. Now, I'm not sure how but somehow everyone knew it's my birthday tomorrow. There was a chocolate roll cake and a Better Than Sex cake that I blew out the candles on.

It was funny, though, when they sang Happy Birthday. It was very loud and enthusiastic. No one sang on the same key and the some of the kids were covering their ears. It was all really charming. It was a pretty fun Easter dinner, I'd say.

P.S. The cake really might have been better than sex.

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