Friday, November 23, 2007

The route of death

After vegetating back in Los Angeles in my parent's apartment for about a week, my roommate and I are now back in our own apartment in Provo. It took us about 10 hours to get back to Utah. Once we got settled back in, we decided to go running. Let me tell you, in this elevation of 6000 plus feet, air is basically nonexistent meaning there is no oxygen available for my body. I ran out of breath after a little more than a block. When we got back, I felt like blacking out for about 10 minutes. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did though. I've been feeling pretty fat lately so I think I'll try to run regularly.

Speaking of trying to run regularly, I've been having a problem with getting started on my goals. I was talking to my roommate and he has introduced me to the concept of underwhelming. What you do is set a goal for yourself that is so underwhelming that there's no way to not meet the goal as long as you do it. For example, I will now set a goal to go running 4 times a week. It doesn't matter if I run a block or 10 miles. As long as I get up and do it, I will have met that goal. It's fantastic for me because my problem is getting started.

Underwhelming goal: get off fat ass and run!

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