Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The example

So, this morning I turned on the news to see what the weather would be like today. I didn't get to see the weather but I did see the traffic report. I saw a portion of a freeway near Salt Lake City and mistook it was the 405 South back in L.A and I felt a little pull. Call me crazy but the traffic reports and freeway congestions in the mornings before school is actually something I want to be a part of again. I miss that. I'm a city person and I love Los Angeles.

Anyways, after the news a show called "The Mike and Juliet Show" came on. It was like a Regis and Kelly ripoff. But that's not the point. In this show, they had a segment about Kanye West's mom's death and the dangers of cosmetic surgery. I don't know if no one noticed before but it's cosmetic SURGERY. It's not a little procedure like an eye test at the optometrist or something. This is a surgery that is supposed to happen in a sterile environment. There is anesthesia and cutting open of the body. There are bandages and weeks, even months, of rehabilitation.

In this segment, they were saying that the doctor that was supposed to perform the operation told her to get her heart checked to make sure it was safe for her to undergo this operation. On top of that, she wanted to do two procedures at once. Each of the procedures are huge procedures just by themselves. What's more is that she wasn't exactly young. Her body is weaker because that is just what happens with age and there are more precautions to take.

I'm not saying that I'm glad that Kanye West's mom died because it's terrible. I can't even imagine how he would be coping with it, but something had to happen that would open people's eyes. Now you could say that raising awareness by doing segments in the news could do it but honestly. Really? Is that really going to work? The people who would go overboard aren't exactly the type of people who follow politics and read the newspaper. They get their "news" by standing in line at Albertson's and reading about Hilary Duff's latest trip to a rehabilitation center.

I feel like so many people are going to take this wrong but some good is going to come out of this death. DON'T EVEN SAY I'M A BAD PERSON FOR BEING GLAD SOMEONE DIED. There is a purpose for everything and this is going to raise awareness more than anything else I can think of.

Also, a woman was raped by a homeless man after walking 2 miles away from her home and flirting and kissing him while asleep. Yes. She was sleepwalking the whole time. The question is is it rape if the homeless guy was had no way of knowing that she was asleep and in no condition of giving consent? To top that off, he is mentally ill. Regardless of whether or not he knew she was not in a condition to consent, what happened was terrible. So what happens if it is decided that the guy is not guilty of rape because he couldn't have known?

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