Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hormones and the big S-E-X

There's something in the air here. To be more exact, there's something about 30,000 18 to 25 year old Mormons in a mad frenzy to get married before they pass their "prime". To be honest, in high school I never really understood why everyone seemed to have a need to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It seemed like some people just needed someone even if they didn't like the person. I've seen people enter another meaningless relationship on the same weekend that their previous one ended. It must've been the teenage hormones urging them to get some action.

Before I actually came to BYU, I told myself that I don't want to get married until I graduated. I guess I could get married in my last year, but there was no way I was going to have kids before I graduated. That would just leave me broke and tired. I also thought to myself I'd probably be surrounded by people who are dating like fiends, so I promised myself I wouldn't get caught up in it. Easier said than done.

It seems I tend to become like the people I'm surrounded by. I'm going to have to surround myself with the people that aren't dating (losers and married people) if I'm going to keep the promise I made myself. Of course, then I run the risk of becoming a loser or worse, MARRIED. Cue climatic music.

This isn't looking very good for me.

P.S. I can't stand pianists who can't trill properly and uses rubato distastefully. They make my eye twitch madly and I lose several hundred brain cells. My face contorts into something like the aliens from Independence Day and I spasm.

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